Book your stay

How great that you want to book your stay with us! When booking your accommodation there are a few things to keep in mind:

– You are required to provide an accurate mobile number and email address. Otherwise you cannot check in. You also need to be able to receive and read emails on the move.

– All of our bookings require for advance payment. If you prefer to pay using PayPal or Swish, please contact us.

– Prior to your arrival, you will receive an email with key code. It is important you read this email, otherwise you cannot access the minihotel and hostel.

Our reception is always unmanned. You will check in and check out using the information in the mentioned email. Our staff can be contacted using the details in your email.

– If you need to add the rental of towels, padlocks or wish to purchase breakfast tickets, please contact us ahead of your arrival and we will ensure everything is in place when you check in.

– If you need to cancel your booking, this needs to be done before midnight two days before arrival day.

If you have further questions regarding your booking, our booking conditions are available at this website.